You are worthy. Yes. You are WORTHY. You are valuable, important and you matter. I recognize this is not always easy to agree with. Depending on how we have been taught, told …
Maintenance Monday
Certain things can clutter up our physical space and frequently that is what we focus on. Personally, physical clutter is anxiety producing for me. I can only tolerate so much for so long. …
Hoarding is far more than stuff
It’s so sad and disturbing to know that kids live in situations like this with little relief to be found. We are groomed to keep the hoarding secret, to hide when the doorbell rings and make s …
Finding Healing in the Art of Woodworking
My Grandpa Moses was a millwright for 30 years and retired from the mill in Louisiana. When he first moved to the Pacific Northwest he built a house for his family to live in. It was built so well, …
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What Does #YLITH Mean?
Youth Living In The Hoard The #hashtag #YLITH was developed because I wanted a way to differentiate the YOUTH who may have opportunities to escape the hoard from time to time. I wanted …
What does #AKOPTH mean?
Adult Kid Of Parents That Hoard This #hashtag #AKOPTH was developed because I referred to myself as a “kid” often in my younger years. Truly an “ode” to the goats that we had when growing u …