Do you struggle using the word, "no?" What about "yes?" Are you are "reforming people pleaser" like me? Please take a listen to this episode where I share about this issue and …
Hoarding Impacts Everyone
Yes, I DO mean EVERYONE. YLITH = Youth Living in The Hoard Consider the youth who doesn't want to get on camera on a zoom or conference call. Or the college student who doesn't want …
We Can’t Fix Our Parents That Hoard
We are not responsible for our parents that hoard, nor their behavior. As the Adult Kid of Parents That Hoard - #AKOPTH, we are frequently called upon to address the issue because other people don't …
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Why Do We Ignore Hoarding When We See It?
Frequently we may notice something out of the ordinary, but when it comes to our loved ones we tend to ignore hoarding. We don’t say anything as we don’t want to offend the person or cause a rift in th …
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What Does #YLITH Mean?
Youth Living In The Hoard The #hashtag #YLITH was developed because I wanted a way to differentiate the YOUTH who may have opportunities to escape the hoard from time to time. I wanted …
What does #AKOPTH mean?
Adult Kid Of Parents That Hoard This #hashtag #AKOPTH was developed because I referred to myself as a “kid” often in my younger years. Truly an “ode” to the goats that we had when growing u …