It’s so sad and disturbing to know that kids live in situations like this with little relief to be found. We are groomed to keep the hoarding secret, to hide when the doorbell rings and make s …
Hoarding Impacts Everyone
Yes, I DO mean EVERYONE. YLITH = Youth Living in The Hoard Consider the youth who doesn't want to get on camera on a zoom or conference call. Or the college student who doesn't want …
We Can’t Fix Our Parents That Hoard
We are not responsible for our parents that hoard, nor their behavior. As the Adult Kid of Parents That Hoard - #AKOPTH, we are frequently called upon to address the issue because other people don't …
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Low Contact is a Viable Option for the #AKOPTH in Hoarding Situations
Hoarding is not a rational situation and it can be exhausting, confounding and disturbing to deal with. The societal expectation that we are to “help our parents” is alive and well. However th …
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